Sunday, January 10, 2010

Sedona, AZ

In early December, Rebecca, Declan, Ari and I took an overnight trip to Sedona. An opportunity arose for us to stay the night for free and we jumped at the chance for a "Stay-cation". Unfortunately, Ethan didn't go because he wanted to stay with his grandma Schroeder for a birthday party that he didn't want to miss. I've grown up in AZ and been ALL OVER This state, but I've never been to Sedona. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL!!! The air was cool and crisp and the mountains were gorgeous. We checked into our hotel early evening on a Friday. This was the little ones' first time overnight at a hotel. They couldn't stop investigating. It was hilarious to watch.

The next morning, we started the day out with breakfast a Oxaca restaurant downtown. The view from the table was awesome! After breakfast, we went sight-seeing a bit and and took some pictures around town and visited the Chapel of the Holy Cross, an impressive architectural feat; A chapel built right on top of the red rocks of Sedona.

After lunch, we finished out the day hiking through the Red Rock State Park. We hiked several trails and up a mountain to the House of Apache Fires, a house built by Jack (Pres. of TWA) and Helen Frye.

Ultimately, we had a great trip and we thought we'd share some photos. Enjoy!

Breakfast at Oxaca Restaurant

Chapel of the Holy Cross (Below)

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